A Complete Guide: Words A to Z with Bengali Meaning

In today’s globalized world, knowing different languages is essential for communication and understanding. Bengali, one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, holds a rich and deep cultural significance. If you’re learning Bengali or looking to expand your vocabulary, this “Words A to Z with Bengali Meaning” guide is for you!

Whether you are a beginner or advanced learner, this article will help you build your vocabulary from A to Z. Additionally, we will focus on the SEO aspect, providing a well-optimized structure for those who want to improve their language learning journey and digital presence. Let’s dive in!

A to Z Words with Bengali Meaning


  1. Apple – আপেল (Apel)
    • A round fruit with red, green, or yellow skin.
  2. Angry – রাগান্বিত (Raganito)
    • Feeling strong displeasure or hostility.


  1. Beautiful – সুন্দর (Sundor)
    • Pleasing to the senses, especially the sight.
  2. Book – বই (Boi)
    • A set of written or printed pages, bound together.


  1. Cat – বিড়াল (Biral)
    • A small domesticated carnivorous mammal.
  2. City – শহর (Shohor)
    • A large town or urban area with a high population.


  1. Dog – কুকুর (Kukur)
    • A domesticated carnivorous mammal, often kept as a pet.
  2. Dance – নাচ (Nach)
    • A rhythmic movement of the body, typically to music.


  1. Elephant – হাতি (Hati)
    • A large mammal with a trunk, native to Africa and Asia.
  2. Easy – সহজ (Shohoj)
    • Not difficult, simple to understand or do.


  1. Friend – বন্ধু (Bondhu)
    • A person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection.
  2. Food – খাবার (Khabar)
    • Any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink.


  1. Good – ভালো (Bhalo)
    • Morally right, beneficial, or of high quality.
  2. Green – সবুজ (Shobuj)
    • The color of grass, plants, and leaves.


  1. Happy – সুখী (Shukhi)
    • Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
  2. House – বাড়ি (Bari)
    • A building for human habitation.


  1. Ice – বরফ (Borof)
    • Frozen water, typically used to cool drinks.
  2. Important – গুরুত্বপূর্ণ (Gurutto Purno)
    • Of great significance or value.


  1. Joy – আনন্দ (Anondo)
    • A feeling of great happiness.
  2. Journey – যাত্রা (Jatra)
    • The act of traveling from one place to another.


  1. King – রাজা (Raja)
    • A male monarch or ruler of a kingdom.
  2. Knowledge – জ্ঞান (Gyan)
    • Information, understanding, or skills gained through experience or education.


  1. Love – প্রেম (Prem)
    • A deep feeling of affection or strong attachment.
  2. Light – আলো (Alo)
    • The natural agent that makes things visible.


  1. Mother – মা (Ma)
    • A woman who has given birth to a child.
  2. Mountain – পর্বত (Pôrbôto)
    • A large natural elevation of the earth’s surface.


  1. Night – রাত (Raat)
    • The period of darkness in each twenty-four hours.
  2. New – নতুন (Notun)
    • Recently made, created, or discovered.


  1. Ocean – মহাসাগর (Mohashagor)
    • A large body of saltwater that covers much of the earth’s surface.
  2. Open – খোলা (Khola)
    • Not closed or sealed.


  1. Person – ব্যক্তি (Byakti)
    • An individual human being.
  2. Peace – শান্তি (Shanti)
    • Freedom from disturbance, tranquility.


  1. Queen – রাণী (Rani)
    • The female ruler of a kingdom or monarchy.
  2. Quick – দ্রুত (Druto)
    • Moving fast or doing something with speed.


  1. River – নদী (Nodi)
    • A large natural stream of water flowing toward an ocean, lake, or another river.
  2. Red – লাল (Lal)
    • A color that resembles that of blood or a ripe strawberry.


  1. Sun – সূর্য (Surjo)
    • The star at the center of the solar system that provides light and heat.
  2. Sky – আকাশ (Akash)
    • The region of the atmosphere and space above the earth.


  1. Tree – গাছ (Gaach)
    • A perennial plant with an elongated stem, supporting branches and leaves.
  2. Time – সময় (Shomoy)
    • The indefinite continued progress of existence and events.


  1. Unique – অনন্য (Onno)
    • Being the only one of its kind.
  2. Understanding – বোঝাপড়া (Bozha-pora)
    • The ability to comprehend or grasp the meaning of something.


  1. Victory – বিজয় (Bijoy)
    • The act of winning or conquering something.
  2. Voice – কণ্ঠ (Kontho)
    • The sound produced by humans or animals through speech.


  1. World – বিশ্ব (Bishwo)
    • The earth and its inhabitants collectively.
  2. Water – পানি (Pani)
    • A transparent, colorless liquid that forms the basis of life.


  1. Xenophobia – জাতীয়তাবাদ (Jatiyotabad)
    • Dislike or prejudice against people from other countries.
  2. Xylophone – জাইলোফোন (Xylophone)
    • A musical instrument consisting of a series of wooden bars.


  1. Yellow – হলুদ (Holud)
    • A color resembling that of ripe lemons.
  2. Yes – হ্যাঁ (Haan)
    • An affirmative response.


  1. Zoo – চিড়িয়াখানা (Chidiakhana)
    • A park where animals are kept for public viewing.
  2. Zero – শূন্য (Shunya)
    • The number representing the absence of quantity.


This “Words A to Z with Bengali Meaning” guide will help learners expand their vocabulary in both English and Bengali. It’s essential to understand the context and usage of each word for practical communication. Learning words in this manner enhances both language fluency and comprehension.

Remember, consistency is key to mastering any language. Keep practicing, and you’ll find yourself progressing quickly.

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